Sony Vegas Pro 12 Full Version With Patch (Direct Download) - merupakan software update terbaru dari pengembang Sony untuk mengedit, membuat dan merender video atau film. Sony Vegas Pro 12 mempunyai fitur yang lebih baik dibandingkan versi sebelumnya. Sony Vegas Pro 12 juga mendukung sistem operasi windows terbaru sehingga dipastikan akan kompatibel dengan versi terbaru. Selain itu Sony Vegas Pro 12 juga memiliki tampilan menu yang keren dan mudah dimengerti. Seperti postingan yang dulu editing video dengan vegas, kemampuan editing video dengan menggunakan vegas tidak usah diragukan lagi, silahkan cek screenshoootnya di bawah..
New Features in Version 12.0
• Added new video plug-ins:
- LAB Adjust allows you to manipulate colors in the Lab (L*a*b* or L*, a*, b*) color space.
- Color Match allows you to automatically match the color between clips.
- Layer Dimensionality allows you to add depth to video and images that contain alpha transparency.
• Added Lightness/a/b histogram view, allowing you to analyze your video in the Lab (L*a*b* or L*, a*, b*) color space.
• Added Set to 0% velocity to the video velocity envelope point shortcut menu.
• Hold Shift (for trim) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift (for adjacent trim) while dragging an event edge to ignore event grouping for fast J and L cuts.
• Added tools for creating rectangular and oval masks and for moving, scaling, rotating, and feathering masks in the Event Pan/Crop plug-in.
• You can now use the Apply to FX control in the Event Pan/Crop plug-in to mask video event effects.
• You can now pair stereoscopic 3D subclips at the track level.
• Additional multistream 3D formats are now supported.
• Added support for automatic 3D pairing of single-stream clips from the PMW-TD300, PMW-F3 with 3D Link option, and cameras that append _L and
_R to left- and right-eye clip names.
• You can create video proxy files in the Project Media window for optimized editing and playback.
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